Tag Archives: tantric massage experts

Types of Tantric Massage That You Can Try at Home

Tantric Massage, contrary to popular belief, is not only about enhancing sexuality and eroticism. It is also about enhancing general health and well being. However, all said and done, there is no denial of the fact that tantric massage will take the sexual prowess of the individuals to a different level altogether. When it comes…

How the Goals of Tantric Massage for Men and Women Differ?

You must have heard rumors about the invigorating state of orgasms that is possible with tantric massage.  Well, there may be a few rumors, but most are not. When you visit a specialist conducting tantric massage in London, you will reach an out-of-the-box state of mind, thanks to the stimulus tantric massage can give you….

How Does a Tantric Masseuse Take Tantric Massage to the next Level?

Experts are of the opinion that Tantric massage is not only about raw sex and erotism. It is only about helping the recipient to have maximum erotic pleasure and reach orgasm. It is all about imbibing general well-being and revitalizing the overall energy. And when we speak about the revival of overall energy, it certainly…

In What Ways Is Tantric Massage Different from Other Kinds of Massage?

You can opt for various kinds of massages to stay fit or to alleviate various types of conditions. Tantric Massage is one of them. Yet, this form of massage is different from the other forms in a number of ways. It is very much distinctive and belongs to a different class of massage altogether. On…

A Classification of Tantric Massage Therapy You Should Know

Tantric massage is a type of esoteric but highly effective therapy that provides sexual stimulation. But there are various types of Tantric massage and with time, more and more subdivisions of this type of therapy have emerged. However, today we will particularly take a look at the types that follow the core Tantric philosophy. So,…

Planning to Book a Tantric Massage Therapy? Ask These Questions First

Tantric massage is a popular therapy that involves providing pleasure to the recipient using various physical and spiritual massage methods. The aim of this type of massage is to promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Besides, this therapy can also help release energy and the built-up tension in the body. This leads to well-being and inner peace….

Can an Erotic Massage Calm the Mind and Help You Focus?

Being apprehensive before trying out an erotic massage is natural. You will naturally begin to wonder whether the massage can meet your needs and lead to the mental and physical satisfaction that you have been seeking for some time. Those who take up this massage will tell you how relaxing the session can be. But…

Tantric Massage and Its Holistic Goals – What Do the Intimacy Experts Say?

A lot has been written about how tantric massage and sexuality are interrelated. We also had a focused discussion about the relationship between general well-being and tantric massage. But hardly have we taken a bird’s eye view of the oriental tantra and tantric massage, and their impact on human life. On this page, let us…

How Can a Professional Tantric Massage Bring Happiness and Stability?

Unlike a normal massage that involves hand movements, stretching, kneading, etc. to enhance circulation in your body, the Tantric massage mainly focuses on the stimulation of the sexual organs since this helps in the awakening of the potent energy in your body that will not only provide you with immense ‘bodily’ pleasure, but it can…

How does Tantric Massage Help Overcome Sexual Trauma?

Before we start discussing how tantric massage help overcome sexual trauma, let us discuss what are the effects of sexual trauma on human health, more so sexuality. Generally, the issues that people face because of sexual trauma include:  Premature ejaculation  Loss of erection Vaginal pain  Vaginismus or vaginal muscle contraction Loss of libido or sexual…

7 Tantric Massage Moves to Correct Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation has been a nightmare for males since time eternal. Innumerable relations have broken due to this, and conjugal lives of innumerable numbers of couples have reached rock bottom, due to premature  ejaculation. Despite a wide plethora of treatments being available, one of the most effective means of getting it treated is through tantric…

Essential FAQs in Regards to Sensual & Erotic Masage Finally Answered

People who are looking forward to having erotic massage for the first time, have a barrage of questions in their mind. They remain sceptical and apprehensive and have a barrage of questions to ask. They also have a number of misconceptions that they need to clear by asking these questions. Let us discuss them on…

How Can Tantric Massage Contribute to Mental Well-Being?

Tantric massage is not only an effective therapy that provides sexual satisfaction, it soothes the mind as well.  Today, we will specifically see how it improves mental well-being. So, if you are in London and want a relaxing therapy that provides physical stimulation apart from mental peace, this is the therapy that you need to…

The Healing Secrets of Tantric Massage Only a Couple Can Feel

Let us divide the populace in two different categories – the ones who do not have an active sex life and the ones who have it. Now coming to Tantric Massage, it has a lot for both these categories of people. However, for a couple, our Tantric massage in London will have certain effects or…

Some Intimate Moves That Take a Tantric Massage to a New Dimension

Tantric Massage is the gateway to the world of ecstasy, eroticism and a state where there is a seamless sync between the mind, body and spirit. But then, the massage you take up has to be the best of its kind and for that, you need to visit the best provider of tantric massage in…

What are the Different Positions of Classical Tantric Massage?

Tantric massage is not only about improving sexual energy and your erotic prowess. It entails a lot of other things. Yet, all said and done, the improving the erotic prowess of the recipients, is one of the chief objectives of tantric massage. Thus, while serving their clients, the highly experienced experts offering tantric massage in…

Why Choosing an Incall Tantric Massage Is the Best Solution?

If you are seeking physical, especially sexual stimulation, nothing can be better than a Tantric massage. Today, these therapies are available as incall and outcall massage options. Now, you might think that the latter can be a better option since you can enjoy the massage at the comfort of your home in and around London….

How Expert Masseuses Perform an Intense Tantric Massage?

Since Tantric massage is an esoteric therapy that involves the circulation of sexual energy throughout the body while emphasising the ‘chakras’ or energy points in the body, professional masseuses follow certain procedures so that the goal can be reached through the therapy. But what is the goal? It is nothing but sexual liberation. By taking…

Why is Tantric Massage The Best Therapy For Restoring Your Libido?

Your sex drive can get affected due to several factors, and among the many, stress is one of the most common ones. In addition, day to day complexities exacerbate the situation. However, in this situation, Tantric massage is the best option that you have if you are in London. It can lead to the restoration…

Qualities You Can Find in Expert Masseuses Providing Tantric Massage

Since tantric massage is a sensual massage that involves erotica as well, you can derive full pleasure only if an expert masseuse works across your body. But if you are inquisitive about the qualities that distinguish a masseuse providing tantric massage from the others in London, you will need to follow the rest of the…

Effect of Tantric Massage on Menopause

Menopause is regarded as one of the most complex transitions in a woman’s life, apart from pregnancy. Due to drastic reduction in the generation of sex hormones and some other critical hormones that triggers biological changes, many women undergo a series of psychological and physiological changes.  That is why, experts regard this stage as the…

Pressure Points Exploited By Tantric Massage Therapists for a Better Sex Life

If you are of the notion that erotic or sensual massage is all about fiddling with the sex organs and private parts to increase libido, it is time to take fresh guard. Erotic or tantric massage is not about dealing with certain specific parts and areas of the body, but the entire body, to result…

How Can Tantric Massage Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

One of the most embarrassing medical conditions that men suffer from is impotency resulting from erectile dysfunction. In fact, instances of marital relations being rocked by these types of health issues are not rare. Thus, it is highly important that men take actions at the earliest, to get rid of these issues. Of all the…